You'll get the idea about five minutes into the film, if not sooner. Other actresses with one-names like Teagan and Devon maybe aren't quite as adept at that sort of aspect of the performance.
Probably the best bet with the 'actors' though is long-time porno pro Evan Stone, who says his lines with the convincing silliness and strength of a Bruce Campbell (he's probably the only one who 'gets' how stupid this all is, and rolls with it).
It's not even really good dialog so much as good quotes, lines that you and your friends (or whomever you may or may not be watching the movie with) will be saying verbatim or close to it for days. But it is, however, of the highest order of sleaze entertainment, and it's a really, really funny movie all the same. I can't really recommend it, in a big sense, as it has no real merit whatsoever as far as real creativity goes. It's a showcase for the director, named simply Joone, to showcase a lot of well-lit XXX sex scenes and lots of ultra-corny CGI involving seascapes, caves, ships, and with the icing on the cake being skeleton pirates that have to duel with some bad-ass girls on an island. The Pirates porno, the most expensive ever produced (at a whopping $150,000), is excruciating to watch if you're trying to look for a good plot, or entirely "good" acting ability. It sort of plays off the Pirates of the Caribbean however don’t stress its certainly not a mushy change of that motion picture. Furthermore, a lot of amusingness for the both of you!! The outfits are stunning…for a porn. There’s some great activity for the folks, and some provocative men for the young ladies. I’m a female and I adored it!! Its the main grown-up motion picture I have watched that was implied for the two men and ladies.
The hardest part to get used to was watching the sexual moments joined by a full music score.Okay this grown-up flick was the BEST that I have ever observed.

Awesome embellishments particularly considering the objective market. Having extensive experience with advanced liveliness I was astonished to perceive how well compositing was finished. I prescribe this film to everybody who hasn’t seen it, and again to those that have. With the weakest (acting) execution given by Jesse Jane, Evan Stone’s character was right on the money.

Individuals who say the awful acting must have never observed a porn in their lives. When Stagnetti has the Dagger, the stage is set for the conflict of good and evil.This summer I’ve been working at a porno store as an assistant and I should state we can’t keep this motion picture on the rack. Edward’s somewhat dumbfounded, yet he rescues Isabella. On Stagnetti’s trail are privateer seekers, Captain Edward Reynolds and Jules, his administrator. Along these lines, he seizes Manuel Valenzuela, honeymooning with the flawless Isabella. To expel it from remote Calaveras Island, he needs the Dagger of Ataljuapa and also the guide of a relative of the family to whom the Scepter was endowed. He needs the Scepter of Inca, which gives its proprietor incredible forces. The most noticeably bad is Stagnetti, sponsored by his savage first mate, Serena. In 1763, the Caribbean is inundated with privateers.