With the many different combinations available, you never know what attributes the next gun you will find will have.

Being that the guns are randomized as they appear, it is difficult to find any two that are exactly alike. Each with eight different manufactures like Hyperion and Jacobs give an almost unlimited amount of guns you can find in the game. Six different types of guns exist in the game including pistols and sniper rifles. You will also find tons and tons of different types of guns. Which adds to the appeal of discovering new items in the game. This is customization that goes beyond pallet swapping (where the same assets are used for different items that differentiate themselves through different colors) which makes you much more attached to the gun than a bunch of polygons should.
For example, a gun with a plus melee attack might have a blade on it. The guns (as well as other items) in Borderlands 2 have distinct visual features depending on their attributes.

While many loot based games are based on this mechanic, the overall appeal of new loot is boosted by the randomized look and features of each weapon and mod. Whether it's just ammo and health or a new mod, it makes killing enemies and finding chests much more satisfying than other loot based games through giving the player the potential for a good drop, which is always on the horizon. Tons of heavily customized and unique loot Borderlands 2 makes it feel like Christmas every time you kill an enemy or open chests.